It’s time to address one of our greatest addictions- talking about our problems. We are hard-wired to focus on the negative. It would be hard to imagine a world, where we spent zero time complaining. Oh, what a wonderful shift that would be!
In this episode, Tom and Nela talk about their share of negativity in their lives and why our society is chock full of negaholics. We also learn how complaining and negative thoughts impact our bodies and damage our relationships with others. Your thoughts create your life folks. Tune in today and start making a positive shift! Nobody likes Debby-downers.

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- Will Bowen – Lead Minister and Author of “A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You”.

- Website:
- 21 Day Challenge: No complaining, No criticizing, No gossiping
- Complaint Free World