A big shout out to the talented Gene Centeno for hooking us up with our killer track! Gracias señor!
Tom Draper. Marianela’s Acting Coach. He’s most definitely AUTHENTIC AF.

5 Tips on How to Start Living Authentic AF
- MEDITATE daily to help get clear about what you care about, what you like, and what your personal values are. Meditation gets you in tune with you really are. You cannot live an authentic life, if you are not in touch with who you really are. Start getting in touch with the REAL YOU!
- Keep an OPEN mind. Rigid thinking keeps us in a judgmental state which causes us to shut down our vulnerable authentic self. It really limits us, and doesn’t allow growth, making it difficult to connect with our authentic self. Have a mind that is open to everything, and attached to nothing!
- READ. Reading helps expands your mind and release limiting beliefs. We must become curious, and continue to ask questions. Exposing ourselves to more ideas, beliefs, teachings, helps expand our consciousness.
- TRUST YOUR GUT. We must begin to tap into our own inner wisdom. Being authentic means giving yourself the permission to trust our gut. When things don’t feel right, they most likely aren’t. Start to become aware of the moments that don’t sit well with you, and being to awaken that intuition!